NBBU System – Phase 4

Is your temporary employment agency affiliated with the NBBU? Then you fit under the NBBU phase system. The NBBU phases system has four phases: phases 1 and 2, phase 3 and phase 4. If you continue working for the same temporary employment agency immediately or within six months after the end of phase 3, you move to NBBU phase 4. Phase 4 is equal to phase C of the ABU phase system. On this page you will find out what you can expect from phase 4 of the NBBU.

Phase 4 contract

In phase 4 of the NBBU, you will receive an indefinite temporary employment contract. This means that you will receive a permanent contract from the temporary employment agency. For this reason, there is no agency clause in phase 4 of the NBBU. Therefore, a legally termination period applies in phase 4 of the NBBU. In this phase, you can interrupt your employment with the temporary employment agency for six months without returning to phase 1. Is this interruption longer than six months? Then the counting starts again from phase 1.

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NBBU System – Phase 4
