Liability insurance

What is liability insurance (aansprakelijkheidsverzekering)?

When you cause damage and someone holds you responsible for it, legally you have to pay the costs. For example, your child kicks a football into your neighbour’s window, or you are moving and scratch your neighbour’s car with a few boxes. According to the law, you are responsible for the damage. Fortunately, you are insured under liability insurance. Damage caused to another person by your animals is also covered . Injuries in particular can be costly. That’s when it’s a good idea to have insurance.

Please note: liability insurance is different from compulsory WA motor vehicle owner’s liability insurance.

What does liability insurance cover?

Your public liability insurance covers damages you cause by accident. You knock your cup of coffee over someone’s iPad, or your child drops grandma’s iPhone. Intentional damage is not covered by your liability insurance. Your liability insurance also does not cover damage to your own mobile phone, bicycle, car and household contents.

Does your liability insurance include an excess? Yes, there is an excess. But how high is up to you.

Many of you do not have liability insurance while it often does not cost much. It can save you a lot of hassle and money. Do you need help or advice with liability insurance? Then contact us right away and we will make sure that you do not have to worry anymore.

Liability insurance
