How do you do this? It all depends on how you pay your motor vehicle taxes: by direct debit (automatisch incasso) or by bill. In the Netherlands, the Tax Authority (belastingdienst) is responsible for motor vehicle taxes. The direct debit and payment therefore go through the tax authorities. Do you want to know how you can communicate a change of account number to the Tax Office?
Do you want to change your direct debit account number? Call BelastingTelefoon Auto: 0800 – 0749 (from abroad: +31 55 538 53 74). There you can request an authorisation form for a direct debit from your new account number.
Fill in the form and send it to Belastingdienst. As soon as this has been done by Belastingdienst, you will receive confirmation that your new direct debit authorisation has been registered. The processing of a direct debit authorisation takes approximately three weeks. It is therefore possible that the tax authorities will once again debit the amount from your old account number.
Don’t have a direct debit and want to change your account number for tax refunds or for paying motor vehicle taxes by bill? How you do this depends on whether you are an individual or a business. See the options below:
You can communicate your new account number in the old entrepreneurs’ portal as follows:
Within 3 weeks you will receive a letter from the Belastingdienst. This letter will inform you that your account number has been changed.
Enclosed you will find a form that you can use to forward your account number for money matters that you are dealing with the Tax Office. Do you receive an allowance? Then you can also change your account number using the Mijn Toeslagen service at: Log in DigID
Do you need help changing your account number? Or do you have any questions about this? Do not hesitate to contact us via the website.
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