APK (for cars)

A technical inspection (APK) is a compulsory car check in Europe which aims to promote road safety and protect the environment. The inspection requirement and regulations are in the Road Traffic Act 1994 (Wegenverkeerswet 1994). If you own a car, it is important to know if and when it needs an APK. If your car has to have an APK inspection, you must not drive without a valid APK inspection.



The RDW sends you a letter 6 weeks before your vehicle’s technical inspection expires to remind you of the inspection. You will receive this reminder by post or – if you have configured it so –  through your Berichtenbox. As the vehicle owner, you are always responsible for getting your vehicle inspected on time.

When and how often to APK

If you own a car, it is important that you know if and when it requires an APK inspection. If your car don’t passed an APK inspection, you cann’t drive without a valid APK inspection. Otherwise you will be fined by the RDW or the police. If there is an accident involving an unapproved vehicle, the insurance company may not pay out any money.

In general, cars should be inspected every year. There are exceptions for new cars. You can always check this on the RDW website: RDW Kenteken

Preventing fines: suspension

To avoid fines, it is possible to temporarily suspend the APK obligation. This is called suspension (schorsen). (It also means that you no longer have to take out insurance and pay motor vehicle tax). If a vehicle has been suspended by the RDW, it no longer has to have APK approval. However, you are not allowed to drive this vehicle or put it on public roads.

Mandatory re-testing of APK after suspension expires

Once the suspension has expired, the user must again comply with the APK requirements. You can extend the suspension. If you do not, the vehicle must pass an APK test before the suspension expires.

Two months of standing on public roads

Your vehicle can remain on public roads for a maximum of 2 months after the expiry of the APK inspection without the RDW carrying out a registration check. You will not be fined during this period. (Article 11 of the Vehicle Decree)

What is the penalty for an expired APK?

If you do not have your car tested for APK on time, you will automatically receive a fine from the Central Collection Agency (CJIB) approximately two months after the expiry date of the APK. The fine is currently €140 + €9 administrative costs.

If you are stopped by the police with a car whose APK has expired, you will also receive a fine. You can drive your car to a vehicle inspection station, but you must be able to prove that you have an appointment there.

APK (for cars)
