Is your temporary employment agency a member of the ABU? Then you fall under the ABU phase system. The phase system consists of three phases: phase A, phase B and phase C. Are you still working through the same employment agency six months after phase A? Then you will get a phase B contract. You can read all about ABU phase B on this page. Is your agency a member of the NBBU? Then you are in phase 3 of the phase system.
Phase B temporary employment contracts have no minimum contract duration. You will receive a temporary contract each time you start working. The temporary employment agency is free to determine how long these contracts should last. There is a maximum: as a temporary worker in phase B you can agree on a maximum of six temporary employment contracts over a period of four years. As a temporary employee, you are also entitled to the user company’s remuneration in phase B. This means that if there is no replacement work for you, you are entitled to continue to be paid for the number of hours specified in your contract.
Read also in the full article the changes from 1/1/2022.
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